Thursday, 10 December 2020

12 Kiwi days of Christmas!


Today we were making our own version of the 12 days of christmas! I was in a group with Mercedes, Kehia, Tuturi and Whare! So basically we rewrite the 12 days! The theme we went for was funny and kiwi things. If I made my own version I probably would have made it more kiwi like and less funny but that's fine.

So... Today we learned about rewriting the 12 days of christmas and making it kiwi like first we read a kiwi version of the 12 days of christmas and then we listened to a song on youtube of the kiwi 12 days of christmas.

I enjoyed coming up with some ideas even though I only got to do one, but still I liked coming up with ideas that I could use maybe if I ever did this again! I also came up with the idea of the six pavlova because I thought it sounded cool.

It was challenging to find a background that was not blurry so the slide looked tidy, also there were not many options for the backgrounds because we had maori words and google did not really understand.

I found it easy to get our brainstorming done quickly because all we had to do was think of some things that relate to new zealand and being a kiwi and also some funny things.

Next time If I made my own version I would make it more about new zealand and add less funny things because some of the things did not really make sense.

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